Naše profesionální služby zahrnují registraci společnosti ve Vietnamu, založení společnosti ve Vietnamu, investice ve Vietnamu a další oblasti. Náš tým má vynikající odborné dovednosti a servisní schopnosti a dokáže efektivně vyřešit vaše právní problémy. Pokud chcete otevřít společnost nebo založit továrnu ve Vietnamu, nebo potřebujete právní radu týkající se vietnamského práva obchodních společností, jsme vaší nejlepší volbou.
Právní služby, které poskytujeme, jsou vysoce kvalitní a profesionální. Náš tým pomohl mnoha firmám úspěšně se zaregistrovat a fungovat ve Vietnamu. Pokud potřebujete profesionální právní služby nebo obchodní konzultace, prosím kontaktujte nás, jsme tu vždy, abychom vám pomohli.
Chenglin Enterprise Co., Ltd., headquartered in Taiwan, has a professional law firm in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, staffed entirely by Chinese-speaking Vietnamese professionals. We are known for our excellent reputation and integrity in Ho Chi Minh City, specializing in providing legal consultancy for businesses, covering areas such as trade, investment, taxation, and litigation.
Our legal team is highly skilled in business registration and commercial registration, offering a comprehensive range of investment services, which are highly recommended by manufacturers and companies. With extensive practical experience, we have earned a reputation for being a highly professional law firm in Vietnam, providing effective solutions to meet our clients' diverse needs.
The approach of our law firm in Vietnam is to thoroughly understand our clients' business goals and requirements, anticipate possible legal risks, and offer precise legal advice. We are confident that our experienced legal team can deliver professional, reliable, and efficient legal services.
Our team can communicate with clients in Vietnamese, Chinese, and English, ensuring that language is not a barrier. In addition to our headquarters in Ho Chi Minh City, we also plan to establish offices in Hanoi and Da Nang to extend our services across Vietnam.
If you are looking for business registration or commercial registration services in Vietnam, Chenglin Enterprise Co., Ltd. is your best choice. We look forward to working with you and assisting your business in achieving success in Vietnam.